She's the Business
Women who dared to dream, stepping out on faith to make it a reality. A candid discussion of what it means to build a successful business from the ground up by being committed and resilient. Owners share how they manage the growing pains as they celebrate their accomplishments.

She's the Executive
Black women are adding to the growing number of women executives and firsts in their industries. Hear women in Corporate America talk about the obstacles and the joys they experienced on their pathway to leadership. They will also discuss their responsibility to be there for other women when they reach the top.

Owns It
You can learn about the pros and cons of buying and owning property. How you can level up by getting involved in real estate. Women can become homeowners and landlords, not just tenants, or needing a co-signer. Understand how being a property owner can increase your personal and/or business network changing your family's direction for generations.

Takes Care
Selfcare is a common term in today's culture, especially for women. How do we move beyond the conversation to incorporate a Health and Wellness plan into the career-oriented woman? What do we do for ourselves when we have to take on the role of the caretaker?

She Creates
Women creatives and social impact leaders share how they turned their passion into providing a livelihood for themselves, their families, and their community. Their contributions to art and society are no longer secrets or credit given to others. Black Women are bringing their viewpoints and flair to the forefront, expanding the possibilities for careers in the creative field.

She Uses Her Voice
It is more urgent today than ever that the female voice is heard and amplified. Hear from social justice advocates who work on the front lines to raise awareness and uplift the next generation of strong female change agents and leaders.

She Reports the Culture
Brands are showcasing more realistic images of women in campaigns allowing us to see ourselves. It is becoming more common to see Black Women represented in media as their true self. We will explore and identify the trends that allow us to maximize our presence in the public eye. Understand why it is important for us to be included in telling our stories.

